Who we are

esperto in neuromarketing

"Imperfect human beings with perfect smiles"

(Caterina Fanello - Founder)

Economics & Sociologist Degrees
Marketing consultant and digital strategist
First neuromarketing agency in southern Italy

Contact a neuromarketing expert

Why neuromarketing Because studying how the human brain works, it’s possible to make your marketing and communication strategy more effective!
We are convinced that today's marketing consultants need to look at new perspectives, embrace new disciplines and combine various skills. CheTesta's vision is based precisely on this paradigm shift!

How the analysis works?
We use neuroscientific devices to study the brain's recations!

The team is made up of: digital strategists, psychologists, web experts, graphics, copywriters and journalists. We want to offer a service that is innovative, dynamic and versatile. Our agency guarantees innovative consultancy based on various skills ranging from the economic, sociological and psychological fields in order to offer complete advice also regarding the context in which we operate!

We study how the brain's client works!

esperto in neuromarketing
team neuromarketing

Thanks to our partner we are able to offer you many services regarding:
1. digital marketing
2. Web and graphic designer
Neuromarketing test

Press review

Press review

Contact Caterina

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