


Because it’s not the usual one! Neurosciences teach us that man is not a rational animal! Most of the actions implemented by all of us on a daily basis, including purchases, derive from automatic mechanisms and unconscious processes! In light of this, it’s essential to study consumer behavior and customer reactions to certain stimuli. We evaluate what your product/service arouses, what values your customer identifies with, what emotions it triggers in order to remain impressed in the consumer's mind!

Marketing digitale

Riguarda le strategie di posizionamento sul web e su tutti i canali online (email, motori di ricerca, social network ecc.)


Marketing esperienziale

È un approccio di marketing orientato a migliorare l’esperienza del cliente sia nel punto vendita fisico che durante la ricerca sul web


Integra strategie di marketing con strumenti neuroscientifici che valutano reazioni, emozioni e risposte del cervello


Our approach

We adopt a transversal approach, integrating deep economic, sociological and psychological skills.


Every work is based on social and behavioral analysis in order to study the values that increase wellness.

team neuromarketing


Neuromarketing is the application of Neuroscience to marketing! This mix allows you to improve the classical approach thanks to the use of neuroscientific tools. The neuromarketing expert therefore makes use of both economic and psychological skills as he must evaluate several aspects of communication: analysis of the processes, social and cultural context, responses of the brain including perception, attention, learning, memory and emotions.



Thanks to iMotion products, we study human behavior using biometric data! Some of these devices are the eye tracker, the EEG, facial reader and the GSR. Through these it is possible to combine rich data and biosensors in order to analyze human behavior, brain reactions and decision-making processes.



Our agency guarantees innovative consultancy based on various skills ranging from the economic, sociological and psychological fields, from the strategic market processes to the cerebral circuits of emotions, in order to offer complete advice also regarding the context in which we operate!

strumenti neuromarketing

How does our brain work? ??

Every time we need to take an important decision, choose a purchase or simply click on a website, we implement conscious and unconscious mechanisms of which we are not fully aware… human beings are not rational! Our actions, in fact, are dictated above all by the unconscious and by automatic emotional reactions. No choice depends solely and exclusively on rational elaborations! Our vision is to study brain reactions in communication strategies by overcoming the dichotomy between mind and heart! Our mission is to make our customers more aware!

agenzia di neuromarketing